Recommended for removing Green Earth® Floor Finish and conventional floor finishes.
1. Dilute (1:5) 25.6 oz./gal. or 200 mL/L with cold water.
2. Apply solution liberally with mop.
3. Allow 4 - 5 minutes contact time. Be sure to keep surface wet at all times. Agitate with a low-speed rotary machine or automatic scrubber (using a stripping pad or brushes).
4. Pick up solution using a wet vacuum or automatic scrubber and rinse thoroughly.
5. Allow floor to dry completely.
Improper use or dilution of this product may affect cleaning performance, result in excess waste or may damage surfaces also may increase risk of health effects. Gloves and goggles recommended personal protection equipment. Please consult your local solid waste agency, drain commissioner, or water quality contact for determination on appropriate disposal of unused material. Please recycle empty containers.