GE Fight Bac Family
GE Fight Bac™ RTU
Sustainable Disinfection in 60 Seconds

with the
in Mind

GE Fight Bac RTU kills SARS CoV-2, cause of COVID-19 in 60 seconds and kills over 99.9% of other bacteria and viruses.

  • Suitable for use on hard and/or soft surfaces
  • Citric acid active ingredient is non-irritating with no harsh fumes for the user
  • Sanitizes soft surfaces in 60 seconds
  • Environmentally friendly – certified by the EPA’s Design for the Environment
  • Gentle on fabrics including curtains and upholstered furniture
  • Cleans even glass without streaks or residue
  • Hospital-grade efficacy
  • GE Fight Bac RTU can also be used as a food contact sanitizer

What the DfE Logo Means

DFE Logo_300x300

If you see the DfE logo on an EPA-authorized antimicrobial label, you can be assured that each Betco product:

EPA does not consider the logo to be an endorsement. The DfE logo indicates that the product has been reviewed and meets the DfE standard.

Versatility in Application

GE Fight Bac RTU is suitable for use with virtually any application tool to effectively and efficiently disinfect small, medium, or large areas. With diverse packaging sizes, users have the freedom to choose what’s best for their operation. 

Fill and Refill...
  • Quart bottles
  • Pump-up sprayers
  • HVLP sprayers
  • A variety of handheld backpack sprayers
  • Airless sprayer floor units or carts

Safest Active Ingredient

Citric acid—the active ingredient in GE Fight Bac RTU—is one of the safest, most versatile disinfecting active ingredients currently available, topping the list in terms of both human and environmental health considerations.


Safe to Use on Plexiglass

Plexiglass Cleaning

Cleaning and disinfecting can be tricky. Plexiglas is sensitive to ammonia, high pH, and products with quaternary ammonium salts. Disinfecting plexiglass will cause clouding and fogging.

Disinfect with GE Fight Bac RTU to clean, disinfect, and deodorize plexiglass in just 5 minutes without harming the surface.

Plexiglass Task Card