For use as a top-scrub cleaner for wood floor coatings.
ROUTINE MAINTENANCE: Dust mop floors daily. If using a treatment, use only a water-based treatment, being careful to follow label instructions.
TACKING PROCEDURE: Dilute 1:4 gallon of water into a bucket. Soak several large towels in the solution, making sure they are thoroughly wet. Wring out the towels to remove excess moisture. Wrap a towel around a push broom and tack the floor. To prevent redeposit of dirt and oil, refold towel using clean sides as needed. Pay special attention to corners. Repeat the procedure in each area of the floor until the entire floor has been cleaned. Automatic Scrubber: Dilute 2 - 4 oz./gal. of water. No rinsing is required.
INTERIM MAINTENANCE: Dilute 1:4 in a spray bottle for heavy spot cleaning. Spray and wipe dry.
RESTORATIVE MAINTENANCE: Wet screening: Dilute product 2 - 4 oz./gal. of water. Use white or red floor pads. Use 175 RPM floor machine or automatic scrubber to wet screen the floor in preparation for new coating application. Rinse thoroughly removing all residue.
See coatings labeled directions for proper procedures. Please recycle empty container.