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Top 3 Challenges Grocery Stores Face

Sep 19, 2022

The grocery business is extremely competitive with small margins. To thrive, grocers must effectively address the different challenges involving customers, employees, and profitability. Continue reading to learn more about the top challenges grocery stores face every day and how Betco® can solve them.

1. Driving Customer and Employee Retention

Customer loyalty is the core of the grocery business, and it is important to implement strategies that keep customers coming back. Providing a safe, clean, and pleasant experience every time for all customers creates a better perception of the grocery store overall, leading to increased satisfaction levels, brand loyalty, and market share. The overall appearance, smell, and cleanliness of a store can define a customer’s experience as soon as they walk through the doors.

On the other hand, grocery store employees keep the business running and drive a positive customer experience. A high employee turnover rate is not uncommon in the grocery industry. In 2020, retailers saw an overall turnover rate of 58%, up from 40% in 2019, according to The Food Retailing Industry Speaks report. Professional training in a grocery store makes it easier to recruit, onboard, and retain high-quality and engaged talent.

A standardized scope of work and field support ensures that all staff members are using the same procedures, which results in a uniform process and outcome. A lack of cleaning consistency and performance can be noticed by customers and skew the store’s clean reputation. Betco offers customized scope of work creation and documentation, as well as training and support that make it easier to retain high-quality talent. Free training covers proper cleaning procedures, restroom sanitation, dilution control, and more. Click here to view Betco’s Total Training Solutions.

2. Maximizing Safety

When safety is compromised, it can lead to a potential lawsuit against the store. Common causes of lawsuits include slips and falls and foodborne illnesses. Slip and fall accidents in grocery stores are the #1 cause of injury for both employees and customers. The $494 billion grocery store industry spends $450 million annually to defend slip and fall claims. Proper floor maintenance and risk management practices are the only prevention.  

Especially in departments like meat, seafood, deli, and bakery where food is prepared, the risk of cross-contamination and health code violations can be high. The Center for Disease Control reports that 1 in 6 Americans get sick each year from food-borne illnesses. Of those, 128,000 are hospitalized and 3,000 die. Proper hand hygiene, disinfection practices, and sanitation of food handling areas boost adherence to health code requirements.

Betco helps grocers ensure that proper practices are in place by providing custom wall charts to reinforce proper chemical application methods and directions, as well as task cards to guide staff with visual aids that highlight procedures, products, and tools needed to perform jobs consistently. The free training mentioned above also includes topics to increase safety—such as OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, disinfection basics, and hand hygiene.

Our Slip and Fall Prevention Program has resources that teach about the common causes, risk management to avoid accidents, and emergency response efforts, including a Slip and Fall Prevention e-learning course. Our experts will recommend best practices and products to reduce slips and fall accidents, including floor cleaners and equipment. Additionally, all Betco floor finishes meet or exceed ASTM D 2047, which contributes to a safer walking surface. It is the most recognized test method of slip resistance in the United States court of law. Our expert witnesses for slip and fall cases are members of the ASTM D-21 Committee on Polishes as well as the D-21.06 Slip Resistance subcommittee that can testify in a court of law on your behalf for slip and fall accidents.

3. Optimizing Profitability

Supply chain disarray, wage growth, elevated freight, and other inflationary pressures have and continue to impact the grocers and their profits immensely. Optimizing expenses like cleaning supplies by carefully evaluating what you buy and how you buy it can provide cost savings across an entire business.

Based on an analysis of a grocery store’s current delivery supply chain, Betco is able to understand all aspects of product procurement and use. The intention is to also help maintain or reduce budget through increased efficiencies and reduced transaction. Our fast delivery turn-around times and reduced minimum order sizes are combined with product consolidation and reduced consumption for greater bottom-line savings.

Our innovative solutions will increase productivity, so more can get done in less time with fewer staff members needed.

  • Floor Care and Equipment: Drives down labor costs by extending maintenance cycles, improves gloss, and reduces slips and falls
  • Hand Hygiene: Stretches hand care budgets without sacrificing cleanliness with Clario®
  • Dilution Control: FastDraw® Chemical Management System saves up to 30% with accurate dilution of chemical concentrates
  • Warewash: Delivers one-wash clean performance

SmartSteps® Program

Betco is a partner for grocery stores with a unique approach to align building service contractors or in-house cleaning staff and stakeholders. Our SmartSteps® Program offers solutions to grocery’s top 3 problems by creating and executing a customized and holistic program for cleaning excellence in just 5 steps:

  1. Identification: Outline strengths, challenges, and opportunities for improvement through a store audit
  2. Diagnosis: Review cleaning procedures and techniques to create a baseline scope of work and define goals
  3. Prescription: Prescribe appropriate solutions for effective and sustainable outcomes
  4. Implementation: Spearhead delivery, installation, and inventory of assets and provide safety and certified training on relevant topics
  5. Evaluation: Proactively follow up, monitor, and inspect performance outcomes and adjust the program as necessary

Betco has simplified solutions with guaranteed outcomes for grocery stores. For more information about the SmartSteps Program, click here. To speak with a Betco representative, click here.