Green Earth® Daily Floor Cleaner

Neutral pH Low Foaming Floor Cleaner
Recommended for a solid clean while maintaining high gloss on finished floors. When used as directed, it will thoroughly wet, emulsify and suspend soil from highly polished floor surfaces without attacking the gloss of the floor. Super concentrated, this product provides a low end-use cost per gallon.

EPA Safer Choice Certified

Neutral pH

Wets, emulsifies and suspends soils

All ingredients are readily biodegradable

Tech Specs
Color Yellow
Detergency Excellent
Foaming Moderate
Fragrance Fragrance Free
pH 7.0 - 8.5
Rinsability Complete
Wetting Very good
Emulsification Excellent
Warranty 2 years
Directions for Use

This product is for mopping or autoscrubbing finished floors.
This detergent concentrate should always be diluted with water as follows: Dilute with cold water only. Dilute 0.5 oz./gal. or 4 mL/L (1:256) with water.

EPA certification does not constitute endorsement of this product. The Safer Choice label or Design for the Environment logo signifies that the product's formula, as Betco Corporation has represented it to the EPA, contains ingredients that meet stringent EPA criteria for effects on human health and the environment. EPA relies solely on Betco Corporation its integrity and good faith, for information on the product's composition, ingredients, and attributes. EPA has not independently identified, that is, via chemical analysis, the ingredients in the product formula, nor evaluated any of Betco Corporation non-ingredient claims. EPA provides its evaluation only as to the product's human health and environmental characteristics, as specified in the Safer Choice and Design for the Environment Standard and based on currently available information and scientific understanding

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